Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Exercise and Heart Disease


Exercise is generally good for healthy living—it helps to reduce stress as well as helps one to build his endurance.
Exercise also cuts heart disease risk—it helps to prevent heart disease. Furthermore, doctors recommend regular exercise for people who have heart disease.
In this article, I want to look at exercise and heart disease—how exercise can help you to prevent heart disease, some exercises you can do to stay healthy, and how you can get the best from the exercises that you do.
Let us start by considering the amount of exercise you must do to be healthy.

How Much Exercise is Good for the Heart?

According to the Harvard Medical School, exercising for about 15 minutes every day will help you to keep your blood pressure in check, which will ultimately reduce the risk that you will suffer from heart disease.
So, make it a habit to wake up very early in the morning so that you can do some amount of exercise before you go off to work.
Here is a simple and easy exercise which can help you to warm yourself up for the day:
  • Stand erect with your legs slightly apart.
  • Keeping your knees locked, bend forward and try to touch the floor with your palms.
  • Repeat the exercise 30 times.

Cardio Exercise and Heart Disease: Brisk Walking Can Help to Keep Your Heart Strong

Brisk walking is one exercise you can do easily at any time, and anywhere. Research shows that this form of exercise can help to improve cardiac risk factors. Therefore, ultimately, walking briskly regularly will help to give you a stronger heart, which will decrease the likelihood that you may develop heart disease.
Therefore, choose to walk briskly to the restaurant at work instead of driving there in a car. Additionally, choose to walk briskly to a friend’s house in your neighborhood on weekends instead of going there in your car. Take advantage of every little opportunity you get to walk briskly.

Do Other Cardio Exercises Regularly

Research shows that exercises have a lot of cardiovascular benefits. Apart from brisk walking, you should also try some of these other cardio exercises, such as dancing, biking, rowing, swimming, and running/jogging, rope jumping, and sports activities.
  • Dance to your favorite music for about thirty minutes a day. Ensure that you do it with passion—move your body vigorously so that you can increase the chances of burning calories. Furthermore, dance at Church during praise time.
  • Write down a distance you have to ride with your bicycle every weekend on your smartphone. For example, write down, “I want to ride 10 miles every weekend.” Then, set an alarm on the smartphone to remind you to honor your commitment.  
  • Ride to the next town on your bike on Saturdays.
  • Rent a boat during public holidays and go rowing for about two hours.
  • Join a swimming club and go swimming during the vacation holidays.
  • Jump a rope for about thirty minutes every day.
  • Play soccer with your spouse or your friends regularly.

Have Laughter Sessions

The Bible says in Proverbs 17 v 22 that, “A cheerful heart is good medicine.”
Laughing is an exercise you can use to keep your heart healthy.
Research shows that laughter makes the body release chemicals that help to relax the arteries so that there is a healthy flow of blood to the heart to keep the heart  healthy.
Therefore, regularly, watch funny videos alone and get involved in the activity—laugh your heart out during the really humorous scenes. Moreover, during the times of the day when you are not occupied, recall some of the funny scenes and laugh over them again.

How to Benefit from the Exercise That You Do

It is advisable to start exercising at a low intensity. So, for example, start by exercising for about five minutes every day. Then, increase the number of minutes you exercise in a day to about ten minutes.
To help you become more committed to exercising, write down an exercise regimen. Place it in a corner of your bedroom where you will see it every day so that you can remind yourself to exercise.
And then do your best to stick to it.

Exercising When You Have Heart Disease

Make sure you consult your doctor to find out which exercises will be good for you and which exercises to avoid. Furthermore, ensure that you take precautions when exercising so that you will not aggravate your condition or put your health at risk.


Make it a habit to exercise and you will prevent heart disease from afflicting you. It does not necessarily have to be strenuous exercise—a brisk walk regularly, walking up and down your staircase, and dancing to good music or to the glory of God can all help you to have a healthy heart.

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