Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Top 8 Ways to Burn Belly Fat Fast

Burn belly fat fast by exercising

Do you know belly fat that lies in the spaces between abdominal organs can kill you?
That’s right!
According to the Harvard Medical School, fat around the liver, intestines, and other internal organs, known as visceral fat, make most of the proteins called cytokines, which can cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a major risk factor for the development of heart disease, stroke, and some cancers.
However, eating the right foods, exercising, and making changes to your lifestyle can all help you to burn belly fat so that you can avoid getting heart disease and other health conditions.
So, what are some of the foods you must eat? Which exercises must you do to help you keep healthy, and how should you do them?  What habits should you adopt, and which ones must you change?
In this article, I’m going to show you healthy ways to eat and exercise so that you can burn belly fat.

1.    Eat A Lot Of Soluble Fiber In Your Diet Every Day

Do you love to eat black-eyed peas with your white polished rice? Do you add broccoli, artichokes, salad, or lettuce to your cooked rice?
If you don’t, you might consider increasing your intake of soluble fiber.
According to research done by Dr. Kristen Hairston, associate professor of endocrinology at Wake Forest University Medical School, eating 10 grams of soluble fiber (that’s about ½ a cup of black-eyed peas and one small apple) every day can help you to burn fat around internal organs in the abdomen and shed weight.

How It Works

Fiber requires a lot of chewing, right? As you chew the peas or beans, signals will be sent to your brain that you are full. Consequently, the rate of digestion in your body will slow down and you will feel satisfied for long periods each day and so avoid eating in between meals to put on weight.

2.    Consume 30% Protein And 40% Carbs In Your Diet

 A study authored by David Layman et. al, and published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2009, revealed that eating a high-protein diet leads to greater weight loss and fat loss than eating a diet high in carbs.
A high-protein diet prevents hunger and makes you feel satisfied for long hours, thereby reducing the likelihood that you will eat snacks every hour or two hours and that can help you to shed weight.

3.    Sip One Tablespoonful Of Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day

According to a study done in 2009, you can lose 2.5 pounds when you drink 1 or 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar.
How can it help you?
Some scientists believe that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar produces proteins that help to burn up excess fat in the body.
Some studies also suggest that when one sips the acidic drink, it helps to reduce the increase in sugar levels in their blood after a meal and that can make it easier for one to control his appetite.     
So, instead of taking a drink that contains sugar, happily sip your apple cider vinegar. But please, don’t contort your face whilst sipping it!

4.    Consume Polyunsaturated Fat Instead Of Saturated Fats

Do you love frying your chicken with lard? Then you might consider frying your chicken with olive oil or safflower instead.
And do you eat your bread with pork or fried chicken? Consider eating it with sardines or wild salmon rather? According to a study done in Sweden in 2014, eating saturated fats often will make you store more fat in your belly than if you eat polyunsaturated fats often.

5.    Give Stress A Knockout…

A review published in the journal Obesity has revealed that when you feel stressed out, the levels of the stress hormone cortisol increases in your body. This hormone can stimulate the body to deposit extra fat in your belly.
So, watch a comedy, make your spouse massage you after a hectic day at work, jump into your Jacuzzi and let the water soothe you, meditate on God’s word which calms the soul, or pray and give your burdens to the LORD to help you battle stress. It will help to reduce levels of cortisol in your body and less fat will be deposited in your belly.

...And If You Are A Post-Menopausal Woman, Do Yoga

And if you have said “good-bye” to your menstrual cycle, you might consider doing yoga. A study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2012 revealed that obese women who practiced yoga for 4 months were able to burn significant amounts of fat in their belly.

6.    Do Weight Training, And Aerobic Exercise Too

Workout with dumbbells or barbells and then do brisk walking for at least 30 minutes, ride your bicycle at a moderate pace around your neighborhood, or swim for 30 minutes, every Monday to Saturday.
According to the Harvard Medical School, several studies have shown that doing resistance training and high-intensity cardio exercise in combination is very effective in burning visceral fat.

7.    Make Sure You Get At Least 7 Hours Of Sleep Every Night

According to research done in 2015 by Wake Forest University, sleeping for 5 hours or less a night contributes to the buildup of fat in your belly.
How can this help you to fight obesity?

How Getting Enough Sleep Helps Burn Belly Fat

The scientists who did this research believe that failure to get enough sleep in the night causes the body to produce excess amounts of hunger hormones. Consequently, you feel very strong pangs of hunger the following day, which makes it extremely hard for you to resist eating 5 large tuna melt sandwiches soon after you’ve eaten rice and Brunswick stew.    

8.    Fast Intermittently Often

A study carried out by the University of Illinois in Chicago revealed that fasting is just as effective in helping to reduce weight as trying to lose weight by cutting down on the amount of calories you consume. So, give your foods a “holiday” at least once or twice a week.


 If you want to be able to burn belly fat to help make you look great, add a lot of soluble fiber to your diet. Additionally, eat polyunsaturated fats such as nuts, seeds, or salmon instead of saturated fats like pork, keep your stress under control, and exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.

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