Monday, April 27, 2020

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Christian Faith After a COVID-19 Diagnosis

You’ve been a Christian from childhood.
You were raised in the Church and have done your best to obey the LORD’s commandments.
But your faith in the LORD has weakened after you were infected with the corona virus and diagnosed with COVID-19. 
You are shocked and disappointed that the LORD has allowed this to happen!
Consequently, you have lost the affection you had for the LORD. But you still love the LORD and want to maintain your faith.
Here are a few things you can do to strengthen your faith.

Keep God’s Miracles In Your Mind Always
Remind yourself of great, mind-boggling miracles that God did in the Old Testament apart from healing miracles.
·       Remind yourself of how God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross.
·       Often recall how God brought water out of rock.
·       Ruminate upon how God used His great power to feed 600,000 people in the wilderness with meat (when they were not rearing animals).
·       Mull over how God helped Gideon to defeat a 135,000 men army with only 300 men.
·       And reflect on how God saved Daniel and his three friends in the fiery furnace, and also from being eaten by the hungry lions in the lion’s den.
I do this often and it helps to reinforce my conviction that there is nothing God cannot do. That helps me to feel fully assured of God’s reliability.
Then take it further by focusing specifically on miracles related to health, such as how Hezekiah’s faith got strengthened when he fell sick.

Remind Yourself Of What God Has Done For You In The Past
In Matthew 16 : 5—7, Jesus’ disciples forgot to bring bread whilst they and Jesus were preaching in the district of Tyre and Sidon.
This troubled the disciples, but Jesus said to them, “O men of little faith, why do you discuss among yourselves the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive? Do you not remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets you gathered? Or the seven loaves of the four thousand , and how many baskets you gathered?”
In other words, to help strengthen their faith, Jesus asked them to cast their minds back to what He had done for them in the past and that would help them to boost their faith.
So, practice this often too. Here is an exercise you may consider doing regularly:
·         Sit down one Sunday evening and write down 50 ways God has helped you and your whole family since the beginning of the year.
·         Write down 10 things God has done for you and your spouse as a couple.
·         Write down 50 things God has done for you as an individual since you were diagnosed with COVID-19.
·         Then write down the names of 10 Christians you know who have COVID-19, who God is sustaining, and who are still enjoying life as a result of God’s grace.
·         Then recall and write down the testimonies of brothers and sisters in the faith who have shared their stories of how God has healed them of COVID-19.
Read what you have written often each day. Recall them to mind often. Consequently, doubts will find no space in your mind to lodge there and weaken your faith.

View The Pictures Of Bible Scenes
One German Christian who lived in the 1920s, Rudolf Graichen, said that he was able to strengthen his faith in the years when he was persecuted by Adolf Hitler’s Gestapo by recalling pictures from some of the scenes of the Bible that hung in his room.
He said that one particular picture that depicted Isaiah 11 : 6—9 made a lasting impression on him.
That picture gave him hope that all would be well in the end. And because of that picture, he could continue trusting in the LORD.
·       get paintings or pictures of Job maintaining his faith through his troubles;
·       Daniel holding on to his faith when he was threatened by the people of Babylon;
·       Paul holding on to his faith even though he knew it would cost him his life; and such Bible scenes.
Hang them in your room and view them often.
When you reflect on the fact that these Bible characters held on to their faith through storms and difficulties, you will be inspired to continue believing in the LORD despite this COVID-19 pandemic.

Listen To Preaching Tapes Of Hebrews 11 Throughout Each Day
Hebrews 11 catalogues the struggles and achievement of servants of God from both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
It reminds us of
·       how they held on to their faith although they experienced suffering and pain, although they faced challenges that nearly made them despair.
Personally, whenever I listen to that chapter, my faith is strengthened.
It reminds me that many years ago, people faced problems far bigger than the problem I am facing. And they chose to hold onto to their faith.That helps to strengthen my resolve to hold onto to my faith and not to give up.
So, get a Hebrews 11 preaching tape, CD, DVD or any other audio and listen to it throughout the day, every day.
Faith is a seed (Matthew 13: 18—23) and so when you water it by listening to constant preaching about the faith chapter, your faith will be reinforced and it will grow stronger.

Give Glory To God Throughout Each Day
In Romans 4:20, the Bible says this about Abraham when Abraham was going through a challenging time in his life, “…, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what He had promised.” Abraham’s faith grew strong as he glorified God. You will also experience a strengthening of your faith when you glorify God.
So, every day, glorify Jehovah by saying something such as this:
“I glorify You, LORD, because You are great in Your majesty. I glorify You, LORD, for You are a great Savior, Provider, and Deliverer. You are the Most High God who heals us of diseases. I glorify You, LORD God Almighty, for the life You have given to me. I glorify You, LORD, that You have protected me from the day I was born up till this day. You are the God who provides us with food. You give us life to enable us to work to make a living. You are the God who made dry bones come back to life, and who raised Lazarus from the dead—You are able to help us bounce back after tragedies like this COVID-19 pandemic. O what a God! Who compares to You? No one and nothing! You are Exceptional! You are Excellent! Amen!”

Points to Remember
To help strengthen your faith after you are diagnosed with COVID-19:
·       remind yourself of God’s miracles;
·       view pictures crafted from Bible stories;
·       listen to CDs of Hebrews 11; and
·       glorify God often
and you will feel strong spiritually.

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